Monday, February 26, 2007

My Reality

So the funny thing about this post is that I have something to say, but I can't actually tell you anything.

I have found, over the past several months, that the frequency with which I indulge in dot-com entrepreneurial fantasies has skyrocketed. On the one hand, I'm proud. A year ago, I would have been smart enough to understand what the suggested businesses are, but not knowledgeable enough to contribute usefully to the conversation. I have learned a lot, and I think it's a lot of very valuable (in the literal sense) information. So, yay, one more reason not to feel guilty about not teaching anymore.

Really, this is about the excitement and embarrassment of participating in entrepreneurial fantasies.

Excited, clearly, because I am easily the kind of person who thinks big. I think big, I talk big, I dream big, I eat big. Entrepreneurial fantasies totally suit me, especially now that I am no longer plagued by crippling ineffectiveness in an elementary school classroom.

But also, it's a little embarrassing. Do I really believe that I and my small band of intelligent but equally human cohorts could be successful in imagining and implementing a business? We're cool and everything, but really?

So many ideas floating around these days. Lots of them are bad. Lots of them are over my head. But a few of them are downright good. By good I mean I'd work there. I'd risk a lot to be a part of the founding efforts. And I'm excited to have imagined them over a taco.

I just can't talk about what they are.



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